The Management Team of URM (UK) Ltd are firmly committed to promoting and achieving high standards of safety, health and welfare on all of their sites and premises, and in all of their undertakings. We will ensure compliance with all relevant legal obligations in respect of health and safety at work legislation and work to create a safety culture at all levels within the URM group.

The Management Team acknowledges their responsibility for Health and Safety and has devolved the implementation to the Chief Executive Officer, Head of Production and Managers of each site or department and they will be supported by the Head of Health, Safety and Environment. We also recognise and value the importance of an excellent safety record and positive safety culture and require all employees, sub-contractors, consultants, suppliers and visitors to play an active part in maintaining this performance by compliance with their legal obligations and this Safety Policy

Company COVID-19 Information

COVID-19-Risk Assessment
Site COVID-19 Instructions
Staying COVID-19 Secure in 2020 Poster